Project details
Developer: awoobies
Tools: Vanilla Html/JS + Custom Compiler, ASP.Net, Custom DB Server
Link: https://anonreply.com
Progress updates
5/15/2022, 11:00:16 PM
Fixed mobile view problem. This project is complete. Not updating it anymore unless I have to5/14/2022, 6:00:18 AM
You can now reply to a reply. I wipe the whole server for this change. Also fixed major issues with the timings. Gonna work on fixing mobile view next and calling it finished for this project5/7/2022, 4:00:19 PM
Api and JS is done. Still need to fix up the styling a bit. Acts weird on mobile4/26/2022, 9:00:15 PM
Almost done with styling. Will work on Api and JSing